Chairman's Message
From the first day of practice we have focus on patient centric diabetes management with medication and holistic approach. As we believe prevention is better than cure. We don't only control the sugars we act on preventing further progression of diabetes and its complications. We provide all specialty services related to diabetes under one roof.


Chairman's Message
From the first day of practice we have focus on patient centric diabetes management with medication and holistic approach. As we believe prevention is better than cure. We don’t only control the sugars we act on preventing further progression of diabetes and its complications. We provide all specialty services related to diabetes under one roof.


Our Priority is to
Ensure the Good
Health of Patients

Get your appointment through online and remain safe at your home. Because your safety is our first priority.
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We Specialize In

``Under One Roof``

Diabetes Care

Caring for your diabetes is something that can often be overlooked but is very important.

Retina Care

Caring for your diabetes is something that can often be overlooked but is very important.

Lab Tests And Diagnostics

Swasthya Diabetes Care believes in revealing the inner health. Nothing matters to us more than an

Nutrition Care

Our proficient team of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics helps patients understand the requisite

Obesity Care

Obesity is a medical condition in which the surplus body fat accumulates to the extent that it

Foot Care (Salvage Of A Limb)

For the First Time in Gujarat, Swasthya Diabetes Care has dedicated Foot Unit.

We have introduced new Retina Care management.

Our Milestone

Years of Experience
Awards & Achievements
Events Organised
Total Patients